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Перевод Примеры
КатЯщийси кАмень мхом не обрастает // Человек, который переезжает с места на место Или часто менЯет работу, никогда не приобретёт прочного положении.

Later he had taken up that stretch of Wytaliba country, and started running cattle ; but he was not cut out for а squatter, Saul himself said. Не had been а rolling stone too long to sit down in one place, breed cattle and wait for them to grow. "А rolling stone gathers по moss," he said, "but а sitting hen loses feathers." Now he was old and could roll no more. (Prichard)

"Oh my own pretty darling sweet Miss Floy !" cried the Nipper, running into Florence's room, "to think that it should come to this and I should fшd you here my own dear dove with nobody to wait upon you and no home to call your own but never never will I go away again Miss Floy for though I may поt gather moss I'm not а rolling stone nor is my heart а stone or else it wouldn't bust as it is busting now oh dear oh dear!" (Dickens)

"Drat this cactus," Nell exclaimed irritaЬiy. "You can't see around the stuff and it don't give you no privacy. Land sakes, you can't even talk about а body without him sticking his ears in on the conversation. Well, it just serves you right, Salty Вowers. They say an eavesdropper never gathers по moss. " ( Gardner)

Му will is easy to decide, For there is nothing to divide. Му kin don't need to fuss and moan, "Moss does поt cling to rolling stone". (Joe Hil1)

And, indeed, she could Ье depended upon to go her own way, gathering any money that came within her path. Perhaps, if а stone rolls slowly enough, it will gather moss, and what Alice Cressett gathered, she didn't waste on foolishness. ( Wilson)